Monday, October 31, 2011

My top 5 Halloween episodes

#5 How I Met Your Mother, The Slutty Pumpkin
Synopses (from IMDB): On Halloween, Robin and her new boyfriend Mike meet for a double date with Lily and Marshall, who are eager to win the costume contest. Barney wants to take Ted with him to a Victoria Secret's Party, but he heads for a party on the roof of his apartment house, where he a few years ago met the "slutty pumpkin".
My verdict: Looking back, we can realize that from the very beginning, the fans of How I Met Your Mother are doomed to stay hooked up in the series and be surprised throughout the years.
Favorite quote:
Barney: [at the lame roof party] I can't believe you talked me into this.
Ted: I didn't, you followed me up here.

# 4 The Vampire Diaries, Masquerade
Synopses (from IMDB): Stefan and Damon decide on a new plan to deal with Katherine at the Lockwood's masquerade ball. Katherine calls on an old friend, Lucy, to attend the ball with her.
My verdict: Well, any episode with Katherine is just amazing, and this episode really got us hooked from beginning to end.
Favorite quote:
Katherine: The three of us together, just like old times. The brother who loved me too much and the one that didn't love me enough.
Damon: And the evil slut vampire who only loved herself.

#3 Charmed, All Halliwell's Eve
Synopses (from IMDB): In Halloween, while two Grimlocks attack Prue, Piper, Phoebe, Darryl and Leo at the Halliwell sisters' home, the sisters are sucked into a time portal created by The Powers That Be to Virginia in 1670.
My verdict: I just loved the way the creators portrayed the origin of Halloween. And Phoebe and the broom, enough said.
Favorite quote:
Prue: By the looks of the clothes, I'd say we were in the early 1600s.
Phoebe: Where the life expectancy of a witch is, oh, 15 minutes.

#2 Friends, The One With the Halloween Party
Synopses (from IMDB): Monica and Chandler are having a costume party for Halloween. Phoebe bumps into Ursula who is getting married in a week and invites her in return for Ursula's invitation for the wedding.
My verdict: I can't really find a Friends episode that I don't like. What else can I say? It's Friends. It's Halloween.
Favorite quote:
Phoebe: Ah so we meet again oh Cat Woman
Monica: So we do oh Super Girl.
Phoebe: [laughs] It's me, Phoebe.

#1 Buffy, Halloween
Synopses (from IMDB): On Halloween, Buffy and her friends patronize an unusual costume shop where customers turn into whatever costume they are wearing.
My verdict: As a huge Buffy fan, I can say that this episode had everything. Buffy as a noble woman and Xander as a soldier are simply hilarious. And we got to see a whole new side of Giles.
Favorite quote:
Larry: You and Buffy, you're just friends, right?
Xander: I like to think of it less as a friendship and more as a solid foundation for future bliss.


  1. What is Ross dressed as?! I totally agree, there is no episode of Friends that I don't love *

  2. Ross is dressed as a Spudnik, a weird reference to the Russian satellite Sputnik, except he is potato which is a spud and he has antennas. Or as Joey said, he is a Doody.
